Important Information
Membership Card
It is important you carry your Membership Card with you at all times while in the Club as you may be asked to present it at any time by Staff.
The main entrance to the Club is located on Oxford Street. There are two alternative entrances; side entrance via Ward Street carpark, and at the rear of the building via Seddon Street carpark.
The Club is open from 10.30am every day. If you require access to the Club before 10.30am you can ring the bell from the Ward Street carpark (under the shade sail).
Children in the Club
We welcome children at the Club but do ask parents and caregivers to be aware of Club Rules. The guide below has been drawn up to enable Members and their families to enjoy the Club and its facilities as much as possible. Children must be supervised at all times in the Club.
Members Lounge & Gaming Room (Darts & Pool)
Monday - Thursday 11am - 7pm
Friday - Saturday 11am - 4.30pm (except for Major sporting events on TV)
Sunday All day
Hudson Room & Tararua Restaurant
Monday - Saturday 11am till close of restaurant for 0 -12 yrs
Teenagers (with supervision) till close
T.A.B. & Gaming Areas
Children under 18yrs are not permitted in the T.A.B. or Gaming Machine areas.
B.B.Q./Garden area
Open to all children (with supervision)
Membership Fees
Individual Membership $58.00 per year
Couple Membership (bona-fide partner) $87.00 per year
Gold Star Membership (25yrs consecutive membership) $23.00
Junior Membership (12-18yrs) $5.00
Life Members - Nil
To ensure Membership continuity we require annual subscriptions paid in full by 31st July each year. This coincides with our financial year end and ensures our accounting is accurate for the Club A.G.M held in October. A Membership Fee renewal reminder is sent out in June.
Members Jackpot
The Club Members Jackpot runs every Tuesday night and is open to all members present in the Club at the time of the draw WITH YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD ON YOU. The Jackpot is drawn using Membership Card numbers.
Conditions of entry for the Members Jackpot Draw:
1. Open to Levin Cossie Club Financial Members only.
2. To claim any prize you must be in the Club at the time of the draw and have your membership card with you.
3. The prize pool starts at $300.00 and if not struck, will snowball by $50.00 per week
until it reaches $1,000.
4. Each Tuesday up to three (3) numbers will be drawn for the first prize pool.
5. If the prize pool reaches $1,000.00 and is not struck this will carry over to the next week and a second draw will start with an opening balance $300 which will snowball
by $50 per week until it is either struck or reaches the maximum of $1,000.
6. For the comfort of diners there will be no audible announcement in the restaurant but the screen in the restaurant will be active throughout the Draw.
Cossie Bonus Pack
One Cossie Bonus Pack draw also takes place on Tuesday night ONLY and will be struck on the night. Entry to this is open to all Members who have purchased products from the Bar/Restaurant to the value of $6 (six dollars) or more on the day of the Draw between 4pm and the time of the draw. The Club Executive reserve the right to amend or alter conditions of the draw if or when required.
Barrel Draw - $100 Voucher
Takes place on Friday night ONLY and will be struck on the night. Entry to this is open to all Members who have purchased products from the Bar/Restaurant during the previous week to the value of $6 (six dollars) or more. The Club Executive reserve the right to amend or alter conditions of the draw if or when required.
Discounted Taxi Service
The Club provides a discounted taxi service in conjunction with TAXI DIRECT 368 8200.
The Club offers a fare subsidy to the value of $3.50.
This service is available to all Members, Members guests (if a Member is travelling with them) and Affiliated Members on presentation of a valid Club Membership Card.
TAXI CHITS must be presented for this discount and are available from the Bar.
Your membership card MUST be produced on request.
You must sign a TAXI chit when coming in with the TAXI driver.
If you don’t pick up or sign for the TAXI chit then the full fare will apply.
The TAXI chits are for travel to and from residential addresses, motels and the Levin Cosmopolitan Club.
All TAXI chits are to be handed to the driver.